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Be the change you want to see in the industry as an informed and mindful equestrian.

Become informed and confident in 2025

Our Equine Education Hub offers you the possibility to learn about horse welfare, care & training from a scientific and ethical point of view with a variety of different courses that fit to you and your personal ambitions.


1. You can learn about ethology, the study of behavior in a comprehensive way through video courses.


2. You can dive into the basics of horse psychology and get started with positive reinforcement.


3. You can tap into body language and learning to read your horses​ or you can start your training journey with the focus on healthy riding horses, core strength, fitting tack and creating personal training plans.

review_confident connection customer


🔥🔥 Carolina, you created the best course I’ve ever been on. I’m still at the first chapters, but it’s a clear, to the point, holistic and with great graphics. Love it! Thank you!! 🤩

Need personal guidance in your
human horse relationship?

Carolina horse conversations

As a professional equine behavior consultant I will explore with you the depths of your relationship with your horse, analyse and discuss the issues you may be experiencing and find solutions that fit you as a combination.

Personal and individual coaching for horse owners and equestrians

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